Finding your Treasure Map to New Opportunities

tradewinds resort picture

February 13-15, 2024 (Golf Outing Feb 12)
Tradewinds Resort, St Pete Beach, Florida  


NAPM’s 2024 Annual Conference will be held on February 13-15, 2024 (golf outing on Feb 12)  at the  TradeWinds Resort, St. Pete's Beach, Florida.  

Our 2024 Conference theme, "Finding your Treasure Map to New Opportunities," reflects NAPM’s innovative spirit and optimism that the coming years will provide our members with new opportunities and that NAPM will continue to help its members map out a successful path.

NAPM members have seen many changes in 2023, including the start of the USPS’ network redesign implementation, ongoing changes with the USPS’ organizational structure, dramatic mail volume declines, continuing labor challenges, and changes in mail preparation and entry to align with the USPS’ changing environment.  NAPM’s 2024 Annual Conference will help attendees “map” out their strategic direction as well as navigate their way through challenges as the USPS continues to implement its network redesign and other key initiatives in its Delivering for America plan.

NAPM in its members-only business meeting at the 2024 conference will share the work the association is doing to re-focus its strategic direction and identify its Core Values. As always, the conference will include senior USPS leadership speakers, great education sessions on postal-related topics, special guest speakers, and panels of NAPM experts sharing their experience and knowledge. The event will also include sessions focused on growth opportunities and the conference would not be complete without the best networking opportunities in the industry and exhibits from our vendor members on their latest products & solutions.

The 2024 event also marks NAPM’s 40th Year Anniversary and we will treasure having old and new members together to help us celebrate the association’s strength and passion for our industry and our members! Special 40th anniversary twists will keep our conference agenda moving and entertain our attendees, we will offer special NAPM 40th anniversary apparel for purchase online, and our Tuesday night reception (sponsored by our vendor members) will be a special one with great friends, great food & drink and great music!

In keeping with NAPM's goal of providing our vendor members with opportunities to share information on their products, services, and solutions with our members, we are once again offering Sponsorship Opportunities for our premier conference event.    

The NAPM Annual Conference boasts a highly anticipated vendor reception held on Tuesday evening of the event. This reception is made possible by the generous sponsorships from our Vendor members.  Included with each sponsorship level are valuable networking and advertising opportunities. Sponsors choose the level that is right for them. Our 2024 vendor reception will be even more special as we celebrate NAPM's 40th Anniversary!  Enjoy great company, good food & drink, and good music at this event, thanks to our sponsors.

Our Platinum ($5,000), Gold ($3,500) and Silver ($2,000) sponsor levels include a wide variety of benefits, and our Platinum and Gold Sponsor levels also include vendor presentation time to all participants as part of the event agenda (see brochure for details).  And our Bronze ($850) sponsor level provides great benefits at an affordable rate for our smaller vendor members!  Only three Platinum Sponsorships are available, on a first-come-first-served basis.  An unlimited number of Gold, Silver and Bronze sponsorships are available.  

Sponsorships also are available for the NAPM Annual Conference Golf Outing, including "5-Digit Level Sponsor" for $500; "AADC-Digit Level Sponsor" for $300; and "Presort Level Sponsor" for $200.  All golf sponsorship levels include Hole Sponsor sign, and recognition both at the Golf Outing and at the Annual Conference.  For more information on golf sponsorships, click here

For all the details on sponsorships and what is included, see our Sponsorships Brochure!

Ready to sign up?  If you are interested in sponsorship, please contact Andy Phillips